Center in EHRI PL consortium
Polish Center for Holocaust Research of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, together with the E. Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute and the Center for Jewish Studies of the University of Lodz, are creating a national node of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure within the framework of ERIC
Michal Kowalski's reply to the article by Jan Grabowski and Katarzyna Markusz
Michal Kowalski, author of the chapter titled “I think Jews will be taken to Treblinka. It's better for you to stay at home.’ Polish residents of towns around Treblinka as Holocaust witnesses. A Local Study”, which appeared in the volume "Oto widać i oto słychać" responds to an article by Prof. Jan Grabowski and Dr. Katarzyna Markusz from the portal.
Honorable award in the POLIN 2024 AWARDS competition for Center member Dr. Karolina Panz
Live stream - European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Academic Conference
Live straeam - European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Academic Conference
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Academic Conference
The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure Academic Conference "Researching the Holocaust in the Digital Age" begins tomorrow. Direct participation only for participants who have pre-registered. Tomorrow, from 10.00 am, we will make available a live vieo stream.
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Karolina Panz
sociologist, doctor of humanities
She lives in Podhale region on Poland and for more than a dozen years has been researching the fate of local Jews during the Holocaust and the postwar period. She is involved in activities to restore the memory of Podhale Jews. Acts as a Leader of Dialogue supported by the Dialogue Forum Foundation and a volunteer in the "People not Numbers" project of the Popiela Family Center Foundation. Her work to date has made it possible to commemorate by name several thousand Jews of Podhale.
In 2019, she defended her dissertation entitled "The Holocaust of the Jewish residents of Nowy Targ in a micro-historical perspective - voices, images, approximations and distances." written under the supervision of Małgorzata Melchior, PhD, and Lukasz Mikolajewski, PhD. It was awarded first prize ex aequo in the 9th Edition of the Majer Balaban Competition for the best master's and doctoral dissertations on Jews and Israel in 2020, as well as first prize ex aequo in the 8th Edition of the Inka Brodzka-Wald Competition for the best dissertation on modernity in the humanities, defended in 2019. In 2022, she received the Rev. Stanislaw Musial Award for her work in the spirit of Christian-Jewish and Polish-Jewish dialogue and cooperation. In the same year, she was awarded the Jan Boniecki Polcul Foundation Prize for her social activities related to the subject of scientific research and her courage in addressing difficult historical topics. In 2023, as a person of merit for saving Jewish heritage, she received the "Protecting Memory" award.
Research interests:
Life and extermination of Jews in the Polish countryside; microhistory; Polish-Jewish relations; oral history
Selected publications :
- “The Poles Are Taking Over All of Rabka”: A Microhistory of Ethnic Cleansing, [w:] No Neighbors’ Lands in Postwar Europe. Vanishing Others, red. Anna Wylegała, Sabina Rutar i Małgorzata Łukianow, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
- Rescue and Smuggling Networks in the Polish-Slovak Borderland during the Holocaust, [w:] Entanglements of War: Social Networks during the Holocaust, red. Eliyana R. Adler, Natalia Aleksiun, Yad Vashem, Jerozolima 2022.
- Sieci przetrwania – przemytnicy z Podhala i Spisza w czasie Zagłady, [w:] Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2022, nr 18.
- Nowy Targ County, [w:] Night without End. The Fate of Jews in German-Occupied Poland, red. Barbara Engelking i Jan Grabowski, Indiana University Press, Bloomington 2022.
- Comment échapper à la mort? Le cas des Juifs de la region de Nowy Targ, [w:] Les Polonais et la Shoah, red. Audrey Kichelewski, Judith Lyon-Caen, Jean Charles Szurek i Annette Wieviorka, CNRS Éditions, Paryż 2019.
- “The children are in a state of true panic” Postwar Anti-Jewish Violence in Podhale and Its Youngest Victims, [in:] Yad Vashem Studies 46 [1], Jerusalem: The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Yad Vashem, Jerozolima 2018. Artykuł ukazał się też w hebrajskojęzycznym wydaniu Yad Yashem Studies.
- Powiat nowotarski, [w:] DALEJ JEST NOC. Losy Żydów w wybranych powiatach okupowanej Polski, red. Barbara Engelking, Jan Grabowski, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, Warszawa 2018.
- „To już nie jest szczyt tylko głupoty, to jest podłość i zdrada” – ruch Goralenvolk a zagłada podhalańskich Żydów, [w:] Jak się rodzi zło. Sprawcy, wykonawcy, pomocnicy, Państwowe Muzeum Auschwitz-Birkenau, Fundacja na Rzecz MSDM, Oświęcim 2018.
- „Dlaczego oni, którzy tyle przecierpieli i przetrzymali, musieli zginąć”. Żydowskie ofiary zbrojnej przemocy na Podhalu w latach 1945-1947, [w:] Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2015, nr 11 (wersja angielska artykułu “Why Did They, Who Had Suffered So Much and Endured, Have to Die?” : The Jewish victims of armed violence in Podhale (1945-1947) ukazała się w 2017 r. w Holocaust Studies and Materials. Journal of the Polish Center for Holocaust Research).
- "Singerowie mieli sklep…”. Historia pewnej rodziny i jej mienia, [w:] Klucze i kasa. O mieniu żydowskim w Polsce pod okupacją niemiecką i we wczesnych latach powojennych 1939-1950, red. Jan Grabowski, Dariusz Libionka, Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, Warszawa 2014.
- Zagłada sztetl Gritze, [w:] Zagłada Żydów. Studia i Materiały, Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, IFiS PAN, Warszawa 2007, nr 3.