Yad Vashem's Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Opportunities
24.10.2013 11:30:08
Instytut Yad Vashem ogłasza nabór na postoktoranckie stypendia badawcze umożliwiające pobyt badawczy w Izraelu nawet do 4 miesięcy.
Yad Vashem's International Institute for Holocaust Research
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Opportunities
2014 -2015
Yad Vashem's International Institute for Holocaust Research awards postdoctoral fellowships to researchers on the Holocaust. The length of an individual fellowship is between two and four months. Priority is given to those researchers requesting four months. Researchers may choose to come either in the autumn semester (1 October – 31 January) or the spring semester (1 March – 30 June).
Application Deadline: 31 December 2013
Application form
Research Fellowships Information